Sunday, September 26, 2010


House clean and smelling wonderful, finally (I am happily home this weekend for the first time in four weeks so our abode has been suffering a bit from neglect) - CHECK

Laundry washed, folded, put away (at least mine is) - CHECK

Luggage unloaded (finally) and put back in attic - CHECK

Temps cooler and windows open letting the cool breeze flow through the clean house - CHECK

My favorite fall candles burning  - CHECK

My studio in order - NOT SO MUCH (I have totally run out of storage space which means the solution to that is that I need more time to create so I can deplete the stash - anyone else have this problem?  My MO is that at least I'm ready when the mood strikes but my current reality is I create when I am feeling up to it.  Totally need to change things up around here.)

A run in the cooler temps - IN A FEW HOURS (with any luck I can drag the hubby out with me - nothing like a nice romantic run that leaves you looking like a drowned rat with a red face smelling like *sunshine*)

A decision on what I want to work on during the next installment of The 21 Challenge with Rhonna Farrer over here starting promptly on October 1st.  (I am sure I know what my hubby would like me to change...quit buying art supplies.)  Check it out and join in.  Reality is that 21 days will pass regardless.....make it worth your while and make or break a habit.  (To see the current deets, scroll down to the end of the post.) - CHECK

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