Sunday, March 08, 2009

18 and counting

And no, we're not talking kids here. Seriously, how many more kids can the Dugger's possibly have? Is the female body equipped for that? Does one possibly have energy for that many children? How do you divide your time between 18 different souls in one day? I seriously don't know but for now I'll leave that as a discussion for a completely different day.
It's be 18 big months.
Happy 18-month anniversary to my very sweet husband, Eric.

Eighteen pairs of Nick & Nora pajamas. I probably should not admit to this. Seriously, it won't be long before I have a pair for every night of the month. I have finally come to realize my issue with pajamas is a big one. And sadly the count did not include my multiple 'Pink' PJ's from Victoria's Secret. Maybe I should admit that I am a pajamaholic. Maybe it's time for an intervention. I have PJ's for all different seasons and occasions. Some women like shoes or handbags and obviously my vice (among others) is pajamas. I live in my PJ's, especially since I work from home, and you can typically find me lounging around in them until I have completed my day's work. I have found that it's the best way for me to relax - a quick shower with my favorite Bath & Body Works body wash (so heavenly) then slipping into something incredibly comfy and cozy. They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem so having finally admitted that I do have a pajama problem and that I am okay with it, I'm thinking it might be cool to add this set of PJ's to the Nick & Nora drawer. After all, it is nearly my birthday and a girl needs PJ's for the big day so maybe just one more pair would be okay, right?

I've been playing around at the Scrapblog site. I've created my first page, a very simple one that took about 5 minutes. Sort of like instant gratification without the use of the staples of a 5-year-old, scissors and glue. After 5 attempts to load to my blog, and failing every time, I decided it was easier for you to see it here.

Plans are in the works for the big birthday celebration around here. My little sister will be here on Wednesday and the talk is there may be a Vegas trip on the agenda. We will see how that works out. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

donna joy said...

just think of those pj's as your work "uniform" you're buying work clothes :)


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