Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm back...........

and ready for something new. I'm not really sure where to start but I do know that deep down somewhere inside of me there's a little girl who is itching to come out of her shell and blossom into a beautiful flower. What I'm talking about is the fact that I need something in my life. Something that is mine and something that I have wanted for a very long time now. Yes people, I have a dream. I know that owning my own business is in my blood. Yes, IN my blood and it's an inborn thing considering nearly everybody in my blood line has/has had their own business. There is something to be said about chasing your dreams and I think my chase is about to start and will be the toughest chase I've challenged myself to. I've sat back and watched and grasped at those stars and been trampled on and I am ready for a new chapter in my life. I've been tossing around different ideas for a while now and I have one more phone call to make before I decide to go it alone or have my sister along for the ride with me. I hope she chooses to join me so we can do it together. Speaking of my sister, I am an Auntie again. As of November 13th, I am Auntie all over again to baby Siennah Rose who was 7 lbs 14 oz and 19 3/4" long. She is beautiful just like her big sister, Hannah, and I am so happy she is healthy and has made it into this big world. Welcome, Little One!

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